
Retailers are constantly adapting to customers’ demand for convenient online shopping services. Demands for a friction-free user experience leads to increased fraud losses like chargebacks and costly manual reviews.

Paygilant allows retailers to be one-step ahead of fraudsters’ – stopping the dead in their tracks without interrupting the customer journey.


Preventing  Digital Retail Fraud Using Layered Security (Including Behavioral Biometrics)

Paygilant prevents fraud before it can take place. By utilizing a layered security methodology that includes device fingerprinting, behavioral biometrics and transaction analysis, Paygilant boosts accuracy and reliability reducing false positives and improving the user experience.

  • Increase customer loyalty while decreasing fraud losses
  • Detect sophisticated fraud before the transaction occurs
  • Lower cart abandonment by removing the need for step-up authentication
  • Reduce the need for costly manual reviews with improved accuracy
  • Contend multiple uses cases with one solution
  • Easily integration using, light SDK solution
  • Designed for retailers whose focus is mobile payments


Why Paygilant?

  • Ensure true frictionless mobile shopping – Consumers today demand smooth, efficient mobile shopping, without compromising on security.   Paygilant provides the most elegant, frictionless mobile shopping available. 
  • Secure your customers throughout the users journey – Paygilant ensures that your customers are confidently secured throughout the users journey from app download to continuous transaction.
  • Reduce chargebacks and fees – Paygilant helps prevent chargebacks by instantly recognizing legitimate customers and flaging suspicious transactions before payments are processed. This drives cost savings and operational efficiencies, and frees up valuable human resources to better serve customers. 
  • Minimize use of stolen credentials – Cybercriminals relentlessly attack online merchants with stolen identities, user credentials and scripted bot attacks. When they are recognized, fraudsters are often equipped with answers to challenge questions and other personally identifiable information to bypass step-up authentication, making static authentication highly unreliable. 

eCommerce Use Cases 


Account Takeover

Paygilant identifies suspicious logins and illegal account access preventing high-risk transactions, protecting customers and their accounts before losses occur. By preventing unauthorized account access. Paygilant helps keep personal data safe from account manipulation and creation of synthetic accounts. Because of the severity of these types of incidents, businesses can focus on fraud prevention as opposed to after-the-fact detection.

New Account Fraud

New account fraud using identity theft has become widespread. Paygilant evaluates if a new user is behaving as a ligitamte user or as a machine. By flagging high-risk accounts in real time Paygilant prevents fraud before it happens.

Transaction Fraud

eCommerce shoppers conducting mobile transactions can often be the victims of transaction fraud. Fraudsters use transaction based attacks to bypass simple device intelligence solutions by launching attacks from the user’s recognized device and authenticated session. Paygilant delivers strong device identification, while evaluating the overall security posture of the mobile device.

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