Challenger Banks Post COVID-19:
Users and Fraud
Asa Zaidman
VP Products
Yossi Geller
VP Marketing
June 30th, 2020
11:00 am EST (5:00 pm CET)
The COVID19 pandemic has impacted Challenger Banks big time. Consumers and businesses have altered their banking habits and challenger banks need to adjust in order to stay afloat.
Please join Yossi Geller, Paygilant’s VP Marketing and Asa Zaidman, VP Products as they review how challenger banks have been impacted, and how they need to react in the post COVID19 Era. The following issues will be discussed:
1. The masses have finally gone to digital: Shopping and banking
2. Why mobile banking and secured mobile wallets will be the “standard”
3. The need for heightened fraud protection