2022 and Digital Banking

2022 and Digital Banking

2020 was a dark year for the world and a watershed period for financial institutions, but even the most challenging periods have a bright side.  For banks, the bright side was the opportunity to build a strong relationship with their customers digitally. Although the...
Can Mobile Banking Finally Serve the Underbanked?

Can Mobile Banking Finally Serve the Underbanked?

Following the pandemic’s effects on the global economy, the number of those underbanked has swelled to troubling proportions. Worldwide, there are an estimated 1.7 billion underbanked. Meanwhile, the global unbanked population has surged to 31% of all adults....
Sign-Up Bonus Abuse

Sign-Up Bonus Abuse

Financial sign-up bonuses are hot these days. Whether you are opening a new bank account or signing up for an online checking account, financial institutions are paying out hefty rebates to get your business. What is a financial sign-up bonus? A sign-up bonus is...
Killer Mike, Hip-Hop and Digital Banks

Killer Mike, Hip-Hop and Digital Banks

You might not know who Killer Mike is and what is his connection to digital banking. Killer Mike is a hard-core hip-hop rapper who is known as a social and political activist, with a strong stance on social inequality and systemic racism.  Killer Mike has recently...